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What does deembedding in CST MWS do?

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:

i actually recognized, that deembedding does only change the phase of calculated scattering parameters.
Is it right ???


Nobody here, who already used the deembedding feature of waveguide ports in CST MWS ???

it does much more than shifting the phase reference plane. your observation above in the first post is not true.


It's a pitty, there is nothing to find about it in the documentation.

I modelled a lossy (copper) microstrip. When DEEMBEDDING or better EMBEDDING only the phase of my scattering parameters changes.
I made it even more lossy, with decreasing kappa of copper, and embedded (reference plane outside the calculation domain) extremely.
Again, only the phase changes.

What do you think the algorithm does ?
Do you think, it would it be possible to also deembedd structures not included in the port surface; for example any microstrip discontinuity ???

Thanks for reply.

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