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lossy material illuminated by plane wave

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi,all.i have to set a model that lossy material is illuminated by plane wave in hfss9.2, but i have some questions here:

1 can hfss9.2 solve this problem?if no ,which software can be used?
2 if yes ,then how to set the incident plane wave( ultrawide band) in hfss?
3 "lossy " means what ? use "loss tangent" to represent or some other thing? i want the material has similar loss as earth, then how to make it?
4 can i inspect the distribution of e field in and around the loss material after simulation using hfss, that is because i want to compare reflect wave and travel wave with incident wave according to mag and phase.
5 any valuable model and info will be appretiated! sandersxiao@163.com

Hi sanders,

Please advise on your findings.

Here are things I'm almost certain of:

1 can hfss9.2 solve this problem?if no ,which software can be used?

2 if yes ,then how to set the incident plane wave( ultrawide band) in hfss?
* Click on the left handside: Excitation / Assign Incident Wave

3 "lossy " means what ? use "loss tangent" to represent or some other thing? i want the material has similar loss as earth, then how to make it?
* Search for Loss-Tangent of the earth, then put that value in Substrate Material or Lossy Material

4 can i inspect the distribution of e field in and around the loss material after simulation using hfss, that is because i want to compare reflect wave and travel wave with incident wave according to mag and phase.
* I only know how to plut field INSIDE the material. If you know how to do it OUTSIDE, please advise.

5 any valuable model and info will be appretiated! sandersxiao(at)163.com
* We'er all learning frm each other :)

hi, costox, first thank you for your reply
then i have a quesion to ask:how to plut the field in the material? though i have not tried that, the way what i have hearded is to create a plane on which the field is of interest before simulating. then you can inspect the distribution of the field on that plane in post-prosession.

best regards!

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