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Co-Polarized and Cross-Polarized radiation plot

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All:
I would be thankful if someone could send me some tutorials on how to draw the cross-polarized radiation plots of an antenna via Ansoft HFSS.

Or any useful information, that would be grateful,


Dear faiad
One should know, in what direction the co pol and cross pol of the antenna is.
It would be helpful for one to visualise if the axis of the antenna is algned along the Z axis of the coordinate system.
Now for the procedure.
1)One should first enclose the entire structure or that part from which radn is significant by a box ( rect) or cylinder.
2)The sides should be atleast a quarter of wavelength away for the radng structure.This box must be defined as a radn boundary.Also subtract the stucture form the box and etain it.
3)The dstance has to be then increased in steps till the results converge.This is part important for high cross pol levels.
Hoping that this is helpful.

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