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design patch antenna

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Pl. can any body help me to design a patch antenna on a foam. I cant see FOAM on the materials tab in HFSS

You can to creat new a materials yourself and to set its dielectric capacitivity and other parameters.

Actually I have to Design patch antenna on a foam with dielectric constant 1.005......so while creating the new material do iI only have to change the dielectric constant to 1.005 and leave the others as it is?.....Pl. help

Added after 3 minutes:

Basically my project is as follows:

Design patch antenna on a foam with dielectric constant 1.005
at 10 GHz. The height of foam is supposed to be 0.50 cm and the thickness
of the copper is 0.018 mm . Using the coaxial feed line as feed line, find
the radiation pattern, VSWR and S11 for the

I dont know about VSWR and S11.......Pl. can u help me

In this case, I think, you can to select as a dielectric the air from the material tabs.

You don't know how to find its in HFSS or what this terms denote?

Actually I dont know both of them.........i.e where to find them in HFSS &what do they denote

HFSS-Help-Search(keywords are "Creating 2D Polar Plots")


The mathing an antenna with a feed line (for example, 50 Ohm coax) is good if VSWR less than 1.2, return loss less than -20 dB.

All you may need is to change the dielectric constant and loss tangent of the material.I guess a height of 5 mm might be ok for it but you might have to take care when going for the back radiation .[/url][/quote]

ok I have designed the antenna I mentioned above....But now the problem is that how to optimize the design..............I want to design it at exact 10GHZ..........But my current graphs of S11 show that it got designed at 9.44GHZ...........so do u know some method for optimizing it.

Hi, saqaw. I have a question about your antenna. Actually I am wondering where you can order the foam to prototype your antenna? Thanks.

Actually this is only a semester project/assignment........so no worries about fabricating it

well, saqaw. For your optimization question, I remember in HFSS, if you define the variable to change, then on the project tree, you right click the Optimetrics>>add>>Optimization... you can setup the goal and the optimization method to fine tuning your project.

However, since the antenna radiation frequency is related to its dimension, if you want to increase the resonant frequency, you can try to decrease the dimension of your patch.

I wanted to know that are there any formulas or any techniques about how to set the W,L of substrate & radiation box and also the height of radiation box,as well as the position of patch and feed line.......................Pl. also tell me the formulae for setting the radii,length of coax feed line...................Till now I have been using the values I have seen in various tutorials and i think thats why I am not getting the correct results.........................

Hello , Saqaw,
you can create the material what you want in HFSS , but my suggestion that you can use IE3D design your patch antenna , it 's more easy to create the model and easy to modify . In IE3D, you just add layer material.

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