How to select farfield component for optimsation?
Dear all,
I will like to optimise the farfield pattern of an antenna for max gain e.g. in the theta component. I use the user defined function in the optimiser but I do not know how to select the field component. E.g. I wish to look at Farfield\farfield (f=x) [1] but I do not know how select e.g. theta/axial ratio in VBA to optimise. Can anyone help to modify the code given in CST example to select e.g. the Phi component.
Thanks in advance.
Function GoalFunction() As Double
Dim cst_value As Double
With FarfieldPlot
SelectTreeItem "Farfields\farfield (f=1.25) [1]"
.SetPlotMode "gain"
.SetScaleLinear False
.Plottype "polar"
.Vary "theta"
.Thetastep 1
.Phi 0
Wait 0.02
' Maximize gain
End With
End Function
I will like to optimise the farfield pattern of an antenna for max gain e.g. in the theta component. I use the user defined function in the optimiser but I do not know how to select the field component. E.g. I wish to look at Farfield\farfield (f=x) [1] but I do not know how select e.g. theta/axial ratio in VBA to optimise. Can anyone help to modify the code given in CST example to select e.g. the Phi component.
Thanks in advance.
Function GoalFunction() As Double
Dim cst_value As Double
With FarfieldPlot
SelectTreeItem "Farfields\farfield (f=1.25) [1]"
.SetPlotMode "gain"
.SetScaleLinear False
.Plottype "polar"
.Vary "theta"
.Thetastep 1
.Phi 0
Wait 0.02
' Maximize gain
End With
End Function
instead of writing your own goal function, you simply could use a "Result Template". In these templates, you can directly select any Far field component you like an you can directly use the results in the optimiser, too!
I just checked, the Thta Gain Max valu is directly available under 0D Template -> Farfield...