how to get etotal
if we fabicate an antenna, and if we want to measure the following parameters, how to differentiate?
1. E TOTAL 2. E THETA 3. E PHI in dbi
when we meaure we can know only the power level. from that how to separate or differentiate the theta and phi total fields?
bye from
Could you please tell, which simulator you use??
Assuming you are an HFSS user, unfortunately first you should express theta and phi components of E-field in terms of cartesian coordinate system.
Then write the resultant equation that you want to solve into "Field Calculator" of HFSS. Using this calculator, you can express many equations that you want to solve. More than differentation, you can apply curl, divergence operations, and etc.
I hope this helps. Let us know what the result is ;)
i am using ie3d. i want to know how to calculate E TOT, E THETA, E PHI components after the fabrication of an antenna. i mean how to measure?
with thanks,
I'm sorry kbmanick, unfortunately i know nothing about ie3d :(
If it is possible, you may try to use HFSS; your problem seems to be solved through it...
But I do not guarantee :)
Take care ;)
Hi, Kbmanick:
Do you want to calculate or measure E-total, E-theta and E-phi?
If you are calculating them, you can easily make it on IE3D/MGRID?
If you are measuring it using a measurement equipment, then, you should be able to measure E-theta and E-phi easily. They are the E-field in the theta direciton and the E-field in the phi direction in sperical coordinate system.
Best regards,
thank you jian,
i want to measure. if i calculate thata and phi components then how can i measure e total? any formula?
with thanks,
Hi, Kbmanick:
After you get Etheta and Ephi, you can get Etotal as:
Etotal = SQRT( Etheta*Conj(Etheta) + Ephi * Conj(Ephi) ]
Best regards,