Help in ansoft designer!!
I am new in ansoft designer...please help me with some tutorials.
I need to work in Planar EM simulation mode....
I need to work in Planar EM simulation mode....
you can visit and get some tutorials from them
u can search here about ansoft designer here
what is ur application?
Actually....I had to design a Band Pass Filter (of central freq 2.5GHz) in the begining...
to improve its characteristics..i need to add spurline band rejection as to remove unwanted characteristics...
i do not know how to proceed now...i'm stuck with it..
Added after 12 minutes:
@ abdoeng
u forget to mention the link dude!!
mjainuec,pls could upload ur schematic in dxf or sat format so as i can make ur sim flie indesigner 3.5 i have,ok
regards,tell me ur substrate epsr,thick