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dispersive media; PML related

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
dear all,

I need help. Currently, I am working with dispersive media. For FDTD, I am using PLCR & Debye model. However, I am using Berenger's PML which is not suitable for dispersive media condition (according to some of the IEEE paper). Most of the papers in IEEE working on stretched coordinate technique to treat dispersive media. However, I would like to maintain Berenger's PML. Is there any reference(s) that I can refer to?

Anyone please help .....

Hi, there is another BC you can use that is similar to Berenger's PML. It is based on the PML you are already using the only difference is that in the formulation of the PML, streched co-ordinate parameters such as complex permitiviy and permeability are used. This PML is called Uni-axial PML or UPML for short, it is a very useful BC for dispersive media because of the lossy properties introduce by the complex permitivity. The UPML can be used for both lossy(dispersive) and lossless media, to use it for lossless media just set the complex part of the permitivity and permeability to zero, for dispersive media you keep the complex and real part of the media properties (muo and epsilon).
Check computational electromagnetics by Allan Taflove: chapter 7, 8 and chapter 9.
Chapter 7: Uniaxial perfectly matched layer
Chapter 9: Dispersive media

Goodluck. Babs

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