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Looking for a 2D EM software

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, I am looking for a 2D EM software which can provides the transmission line per-unit-length parameters (R,G,L,C). Any recommendations will be appreciated.


try Linpar for Windows from Artech House.


Try TNT-MMTL, the Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line 2-D and 2.5-D electromagnetic modeling tool suite, which generates transmission parameters and SPICE models from descriptions of electronics interconnect dimensions and materials properties.

The MMTL suite consists of several programs, including lossy, loss-free, quasi-static, and full-wave simulators. Circuit parameters are computed by either the method of moments (MOM) or finite element methods (FEM). Basic per-unit-length parameters are generated by the simulator, and can be converted into HSPICE W-element models.

This tool has a very nice GUI

Home page at http://mmtl.sourceforge.net/.

Are the TNT-MMTL or LINPAR free software, share software or commercial one? Since I am only a student, I do not have a large budget to get the expensive one.

TNT-MMTL is absolutely free

I found that the TNT tool doesn't give out the per-unit-length capacitance matrix by using the BEM method.

The help document is too short and I am not quite sure whether there is any special setting for getting that capacitance matrix. If anyone used it before, please help.

Try to use Ansoft 2D extractor.
This tool give you what u need R,L,G,c Z0,..:Lumped , distributed circuit for transmission line or any complex geometry, also u can have multiple format output like spice, maxwell,..

You might look at

AWR's txline
Agilent has a free calculator: AppCAD
Polar Instruments: Si8000 or Si9000 impedance calculators

These are several options to consider (cost varies from free to expensive).

2.5-D Fullwave:
1)Agilent ADS Momentum: MoM http://eesof.tm.agilent.com/products/momentum_main.html

2)Ansoft Designer: MoM

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