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microstrip circular polarization

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi to all,
i am trying to design a 5.8GHz 2 by 2 microstrip antenna array, right circular polarization.how to synthsize the patch dimentions and the feed network?
thanks in advance

I would start with a detailed specification for the desired performance of the finished antenna, including dimensions and mechanical requirements as well as the electrical characteristics.

Then I would determine if it was even practical to produce an antenna within the constraints.

If it looks feasible, I would then work on developing an appropriate element. There are numerous ways to produce a RHCP patch. Do a search and find reference books on the subject. A technical library is another good place to start. If the constraints limit the antnna performance it will be necessary to make adjustments until you have an antenna that can be produced.

I would use the references to guide my element design. Once I had a working element I would look at the feed network and array dimensions and either simulate or prototype the array and test on a range.

thank you for your reply!
could you suggest some reference for me? i am a rf circuit designer and pooly experienced in antenna design

here are a few, in no particular order:

Waterhouse, "Microstrip Patch Antennas"

Sainati,"CAD of microstrip Antennas for Wireless Applications" (Why would one want an antenna for a non-wireless application?)

Garg et. al., "Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook"

James, "Handbook of Microstrip Antennas"

and the list goes on and on and on. .... there are numerous references in the ieee proceedings as well.

i am truely grateful for your help

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