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how i plot field in any position in cst?

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi all,i have little question of cst
how can i polt the field of any antenna at any position(not near field nor far field)
i make horn and put probe in my desired postion ,so how can i measure field I(i.e. how could i rotate the probe to measure the field pattern )

i wait so fastly ur reply

Hi Abdoeng

I didnt quite understand your question. You place a probe either for near of far field. If you want to get it rotated, it wont work, since probes are static. Just place a couple of them around your antenna.

It makes more sense to get the field at one specific frequency (using field monitors), and sampling the field on the plane youre interested in.

Or you can just draw a line and after a field monitor was defined, you get the field sampled on this line, in Results/Evaluate Fields/Evaluate field on curve.

Other solution: when visualizing the near field, for instance along a cut plane, on Results/Show fields at cursor, you get the numerical value of the displayed field at the mouse position.


上一篇:excitation signal in CST

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