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cst theory

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hey, can someone please post some theoretical info on how cst mws works?.... I know its based on the FIT (finite integration technique)... but im having trouble finding details on that...... thanks........

The paper presenting the fundamentals behind FIT was published in 1977:

Weiland T., ?A discretization method for the solution of Maxwell?s equations for six-component fields?, Electronics and Communications (AEü), Vol. 31, No.3, 116-120, 1977

but its only in german (I have it if you need it, but I never tried to read it because i can't :? )...

A revised methodology was published in 1996:

Weiland T., ?Time domain electromagnetic field computation with finite difference methods?, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 9, 295-319, Wiley, 1996

This paper is attached below...

A great presentation of the method was published in PIER journal in 2001:

Clemens M., Weiland T., ?Discrete electromagnetism with the finite integration technique?, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 32, 65-87, 2001

you can get this document online in:


Hope this helps :)

Hi dear friend,
This attached file describe FIT .

This paper is available at CST:


Autors: M. Clemens, T. Weiland

Titel: Discrete Electromagnetism with the Finite Integration Technique

To appear in Journ. of Electromagnetic Waves and Propagation / Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER) Monograph Series, 2001. In press.

I have some !Maybe it will be useful!

I have some! Now I upload them!

Go on!

This is books of FIT. Maybe they will help you! :)

1. T. Weiland, A Discretization Method for the Solution of Maxwell`s Equations for Six-Component Fields. Electronics and Communication (AEü), vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 116-120, 1977
2. U. van Rienen and T. Weiland, Triangular discretization method for the evaluation of RF-Fields in cylindrically symmetric cavities, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. MAG-21, no. 6, pp.2317-2320, 1985.
3. T. Weiland, Time domain electromagnetic Field computation with Finite Difference Methods, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol.9, pp. 259-319, 1996
4. R. Schuhmann, M. Clemens, P. Thoma, T. Weiland, Frequency and Time Domain Computations of S-Parameters Using the Finite Integration Technique, Proc. of the 12th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES Conference), Monterey, 1996, pp. 1295-1302
5. M. Clemens, R. Schuhmann, T. Weiland, Algebraic Properties and Conservation Laws in the Discrete Electromagnetism, FREQUENZ, Band 53 (1999) , Ausg. 11-12, S. 219 - 225
6. R. Schuhmann and T. Weiland, Conservation of discrete energy and related laws in the Fnite Integration Technique, submitted to the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Special volume on "Geometrical Methods in Computational Electromagnetics" of the PIER monograph series, 2000

Guys, please, send me the file "Weiland_FIT_1996.pdf" to jonkobig$yahoo.com. My appreciation...

Added after 4 hours 34 minutes:

seems noone visits the topic...

strange, but I can't find the publication...

Thanks a lot for these references. It is a timely help.



where can I find a good cst manual?? thanks

please see the attahced document , it has a good information about CsT

PIERS link for the paper is not working

This is working link

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