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pcb antenna layout

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi , i am designing a PCB loop antenna to work at 434MHz. Will i be able to use HFSS to simulate it..

Also let me know of the boundary conditions. I need to extract the rad resistance and inductance of the antenna ?

Please reply. It is needed for my Thesis and I dont know about ANtenna Design.


Why dont you use ADS ?

I have not used ADS and HFSS for my designing. I have heard of ADS though and some of my friends toldme that HFSS is the one which can help u simulate antenna.

Can u tell me how to exactly layout the PCB antenna (21.5 *23.5 mm) on ADS and extract the inductance and radiation resistance.

I have used cadance althrough out.


HFSS can model loop antennas.

22 mm by 23 mm implies an electrically small antenna. I suspect you will want to use "radiation boundaries" to simulate free space.

You will essentially build a 3D image of your antenna as you enter the software. You can easily extract s parameters and far field radation characteristics. If you really need inductance and radiation resistance I suggest you spend some time with the on-line help and alternately the tech support folks to see how that would best be extracted.

It looks like you are going to have the opportunity to learn about antenna design.

I can model this in ADS ( Momentum) , give me substrate details

For simulating planar antennas, it is better to use an Method of Moments based program, like Ansoft Designer, if you can.


if your structure is 2D (PCB) you can use Ansoft Designer. But if u r using 3D structures such as suspended Patch than HFSS gives the result.

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