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source code antenna and em modeling with matlab

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:

Can someone give me some examples of programs using FDTD method, FEM method and MoM method? I am a little bit confused, which from common used programs are using which method.


Hi Redi,


A good simple book to read will be:
Complex Electromagnetic Problems and Simulation Approaches - By Levent Sevgi.


Hi Element7k,

Do you have maybe an electronic version of this book or related papers on this subject? I am interested in comparison of the methods, their cons and prons and description of tools using them.



this will be slightly more complete list

Finite Element Method (FEM) - Ansoft HFSS (3D), Agilent HFSS (3D), Ansoft Ensemble (2.5D), LinPar (2D)

Method of Moments (MoM) - WIPL/D (3D), Sonnet (2.5D), Agilent Momentum (2.5D), Zeland IE3D (2.5D), AWR Emsight (2.5D)

Finite Diference Time Domain (FDTD) - CST , Zeland Fidelity, Aplac, Concerto

Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) - Flomerix

There are some more simulators as well but these are the most frequently used ones. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and another book that I would like to recommand is a book by Swanson and Hoefer - Microwave Circuit Modeling Using EM Field Simulators, Artech House, 2003. It is really a great book, unfortunately not available in electronic format to the best of my knowledge. But this can change as a scaner is a miracleous thing....


Here is the content of the book and a part which shows different Numerical EM methods.


Hi flyhigh,

I was wondering if Ansoft Ensemble is MoM or FEM?

The book you recommend has 489 pages. It will be very difficult work for the scanner and with all the colours, maybe more difficult :( It seems very new. Do you already have the book?


Ansoft Ensemble is a MoM 2.5D code. Now it's integrated into Designer and it doesn't exist as a n standalone app (that's a pity, I think...)

Yes, sorry, my mistake. Anyway, there is some possibility to mix those two methods. It is not pity that it is integrated in Designer, works great!


Hi Element7k,

yes, I have the book, it is really great, I am sure you would like to have it. Both autors are very famous in the field and they presented user friendly and metodological approach to explain usage of EM simulators. Meny practical aspects are covered and explained for a number of EM simulators used now a days like CST, HFSS, Ensemble, Sonnet, Momentum,...

Of course, there is not any magic portion one could take and then use any kind of software, so this material is to be studied, understood and then applied. I don't have you in mind but it might be that someone might get wrong conclusions when reading this forum topic.


Hi flyhigh,

thanks for the recommendation. I have already placed an order for the book so it will arrive probably a week from today (if the money goes through) :P . Before I read the book, I was wondering if the book is any good for antenna people?


No, there is nothing about antenna there, microwave staff only. (comprehencive coverage of numerical methods and their clasification, discontinuities, filters, couplers, connectors, vias, via fences)


Hi all! I've started to gain interest in these simulation methodsfor EM.
But I've hadn't have time to look into them yet.

Could anybody familiar with programming of EM-simulation soft give me a word about what is the difficult part in programming these softwares.

My guess is that the only thing that is really messy is how to generate
mesh points. I think that if one has a mesh-generator is availible it shouldn't be so difficult, because how to discretise Maxwells equations is already given in the litterature.

Am I correct ? If one doesn't concern about variable meshsize, and timestep. It should be straight forwrad.

(Are meshgeneators availible for free ? Or must one dig into free FEM source code and extract the mesh-generator routine ?)

Kindest regards,

Hi stopptidigare!

I am not familiar with em programming but there are some cad-software e.g. femap/CADKey/Dassault that can generate mesh points if you have complicated geomentry. You can then interface these points with your solver. I was wondering if you have the book/ebook Antenna and EM Modeling with Matlab. I think Goxy will be a good person to ask in this field.


Well, I will be personally very interested in this MatLab book too!


who can offer the book softcopy "antenna and em modeling with matlab".... thks

As I remembered somebody uploaded the book of antenna simulation of matlab. You can check it.

Hi flyhigh,

This book is available in electronic format, it was released in april 2004 and I have it. Since there are people interested in it, I uploaded it (done!) 8) .

Hi, baluba:

Where do you uploaded the ebook to? Is it a ture PDF formart with reasonable size? I have the scanned version which has a size of 70+MB with poor resolutions, thus want to find a better one.

Thanks in advance!


here is the link:


the book is editable pdf, about 10Mb.



Hi, baluba:

I misunderstood your book with " Antenna and EM modeling with MatLab". Thank you just the same.

Best regards

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