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Looking for several papers from Digital Object Identifier

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
1-CPW-fed modified rectangular printed monopole antenna with slot
Ray, K.P.; Ranga, Y.;
Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, 2007. IMOC 2007. SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International
Oct. 29 2007-Nov. 1 2007 Page(s):79 - 81
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IMOC.2007.4404217

2-Transmission line analysis of printed monopole
Lebbar, H.; Himdi, M.; Daniel, J.P.;
Electronics Letters
Volume 28, Issue 14, 2 July 1992 Page(s):1326 - 1327

3-Printed Monopole Slot Antenna for Internal Multiband Mobile Phone Antenna
Chun-I Lin; Kin-Lu Wong;
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 55, Issue 12, Dec. 2007 Page(s):3690 - 3697
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.910345

4-Dual Wideband Printed Monopole Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications
Pan, C.-Y.; Horng, T.-S.; Chen, W.S.; Huang, C.-H.;
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE
Volume 6, 2007 Page(s):149 - 151
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2007.891957

5-Low-profile printed monopole antenna for penta-band operation in the mobile phone
Chih-Hsien Wu; Kin-Lu Wong;
Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, 2007 IEEE
9-15 June 2007 Page(s):3540 - 3543
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/APS.2007.4396302

6-The Effect of Dielectric Loading on Printed Monopoles
Tsamakis, D.; Wu, Z.;
Antenna Technology: Small and Smart Antennas Metamaterials and Applications, 2007. IWAT '07. International Workshop on
21-23 March 2007 Page(s):337 - 340
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IWAT.2007.370143

7-A Four-Element Antenna System for Mobile Phones
Ding Yuan; Du Zhengwei; Gong Ke; Feng Zhenghe;
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE
Volume 6, 2007 Page(s):655 - 658
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2007.913276

A Four-Element Antenna System for Mobile Phones
Yuan Ding, Zhengwei Du, Ke Gong, Member, IEEE, and Zhenghe Feng, Associate Member, IEEE
Abstract�In this letter, a multiantenna system with four printed
monopoles is presented. The monopoles that occupy relatively
small area are positioned at the four corners of a printed circuit
board, so that the four-element antenna system can be equipped
on the lid of a folder-type mobile phone, leaving enough space for
the circuits and reducing the effect of human hands. Based on simulation,
a prototype for the Universal Mobile Telecommunications
System (UMTS) operation has been constructed and tested. The
measured 10-dB impedance bandwidths of the four elements
are larger than 320 MHz with higher than 11.5-dB isolation.
Moreover, the proposed antenna can provide spatial and pattern
diversity in a diversity/multiple-input�multiple-output (MIMO)

thanks for papers!



Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Communication Systems Using
Antenna Pattern Diversity
Liang Dong, Hao Ling, and Robert W. Heath, Jr.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University ofTexas, Austin, TX 78712

Abstract�We consider a multiuser multiple-input multipleoutput
(MIMO) Gaussian broadcast channel (BC), where the
transmitter and receivers have multiple antennas. Since the
MIMO BC is in general a nondegraded BC, its capacity region
remains an unsolved problem. In this paper, we establish a duality
between what is termed the �dirty paper� achievable region (the
Caire�Shamai achievable region) for the MIMO BC and the
capacity region of the MIMO multiple-access channel (MAC),
which is easy to compute. Using this duality, we greatly reduce
the computational complexity required for obtaining the dirty
paper achievable region for the MIMO BC. We also show that the
dirty paper achievable region achieves the sum-rate capacity of
the MIMO BC by establishing that the maximum sum rate of this
region equals an upper bound on the sum rate of the MIMO BC.
Index Terms�Broadcast channel (BC), channel capacity, dirty
paper coding, duality, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)

5-Low-profile printed monopole antenna for penta-band operation in the mobile phone
Chih-Hsien Wu; Kin-Lu Wong;
Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, 2007 IEEE
9-15 June 2007 Page(s):3540 - 3543
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/APS.2007.4396302

I need this paper:
"A wideband high-gain microstrip patch antenna with high-impedance electromagnetic band-gap ground plane"
Alireza Foroozesh, Mehran Fallah-Rad, Dan Qu and Lotfollah Shafai.

Please help me.
Thank you.

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