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2nd order basis function in HFSS

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have never succeeded in using the 2nd order basis function in HFSS and always gets the same error message: Child process run-time error.
Can anybody comment on this?

many thanks

I have occasionally fooled with various order basis functions and had the process run. Frankly the guidance of how to appropriately choose an order and the interaction with the iterative solver has been illusive.

I just ran a model with a second order basis setting and did not see the error you cited. It is converging.

I am using ver 11.1.

Ansoft AE engineer just told me that the 2nd order can only run for a typically small structure. I tried to use 2nd order to simulate my bga package, which turned out to be a big mess. However, with 1st order basis function, my simulation fits pretty well to measurement.


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