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Which 3D software for EM simulation is the best for small antennas?

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:

I need to purchase a 3D SW for EM simulation.
It will be mainly used for antennas for small hand held devices,
What is your recommendation, CST or HFSS (or other)?


For handheld device antenna design, CST would be the best choice.


what are CSTs advantages?


CST Rocks!! Great GUI, top notch software and you can simulate whatever you want. Highly recommended..

Go for AMDS ( Agilent technologies)

What kind of antennas are you talking about, planar, helical or ..?

I personally prefer HFSS, but it is very expensive.


I still say CST. Best in everything..

AMDS is a disappointment...

I (my company) owns HFSS so I have used that for many years. However I have demoed CST twice since we a looking to purchase that.

HFSS is a frequency domain solver that is very good for narrow band circuits, or circuits with high Q and sharp resonances. So if you want to simulate a cavity filter and accurately compute the stop-band then you may want a frequency domain solver. However I last used HFSS for a log-periodic antenna and it still works, just takes a long time to sweep a wide bandwidth.

CST has a time domain solver (it also has frequency domain). This is good for broad band circuits such as antennas. We compared a microstrip patch with CST, HFSS, and measurements. Both results were very close to measurement, but CST was allot faster with less memory. Also when an array was formed with the patch.

That being said, you really need time and frequency domain solvers. CST has both (and some others) so it would be my choice. I don't own it, but I am impressed with what I have seen so far.

CST also talks to MWO, ADS, and some others. Ansoft talks to.....Ansoft.

What about method of moments software?

Despite the fact that less people use them than FEM or FIT/FDTD they are extremely efficient in antenna simulation and don't suffer from any radiation boundary/ PML related problems. By efficient, I mean very fast and employing small amount of memory.

For instance, how much would it take to simulate accurately a 20dB horn in HFSS?

In WIPL-D Pro, which is a higher order MoM code, it takes 2 minutes for very good accuracy and 4 minutes for excellent, absolutely stable results.

I would say HFSS needs at least 30 minutes for acceptable accuracy and about 5-6 hours for excellent accuracy. What is your view?

unfortunately after I asked CST they said that they don't have a direct link to ADS.

what do you recommend for cellular phones?

CST, sure!

I just adore these posts:

"CST forever! Rock and roll rules!"

Great job, guys, you are really helping the man!

Agilent's AMDS does a better job than CST in importing the antenna housing design from industial engineering software such as ProE to simulate together with the antenna. It takes much longer time to prep the externally imported file for simulation in CST than AMDS. Make sure you check this out before buying..

I evaluated AMDS, I have to say that it's UI is the worst UI I have ever seen.
and to make things even worse you can't import designs from ADS.
I think Agilent will have to make some more improvements if they want to enter into real competition with CST and HFSS.

btw, Agilent are known with bad UI for all their products, but the products are good

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