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Looking for two papers about monopole antenna and a small antenna

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello everyone

please help me to get this paper

1.A monopole antenna for dual-band ISM applications
Duixian Liu
Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, 2000. Proceedings. ISAPE 2000. 5th International Symposium on
Volume , Issue , 2000 Page(s):668 - 671
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ISAPE.2000.894875
Summary:A monopole antenna is proposed for dual-band ISM applications. The 900 MHz band spans from 902 to 928 MHz centered at 915 MHz, and the 2.4 GHz band spans from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz centered at 2.45 GHz. With proper design this antenna will outperform previously proposed antennas

2.Design of thin, efficient, electrically small antenna using multiple foldings
Lim, S.; Ling, H.
Electronics Letters
Volume 42, Issue 16, August 3, 2006 Page(s): 895 - 896
Digital Object Identifier 10.1049/el:20061792


thanks ravi

上一篇:resistor hfss

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