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Some problem about drawing a patch antenna in HFSS

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
when i was doing validation check, error message showed

[warning] Warning - Boundary 'PerfE2' and Boundary 'Rad1' overlap.
[warning] Boundary 'Rad1': A radiation boundary face has solid objects with SolveInside on both sides of it. Please check setup, as this could produce incorrect results.

Please help as soon as possible!!
Thanks a lot!

plz check ur structure ur boundary is not correct.
plz check again

I guess your PerfE2 is ground layer and you define all 6 sides of the airbox as Rad1. You may define 5 sides (except ground one) as Rad1. Then this problem will be solved.

Moreover, your airbox is not correctly defined. You have some objects outside your airbox.

It would be better if you upload your hfss file.

Thanks for your answer, i wanna know, how can i define the 5 sides ,
it is because i define the box , i don't know how to define side by side~~

By selecting faces with ctrl key

thank you very much!!!
i solved the problem!

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