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how to extract a set of specified values in IE3D?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Now I am using IE3D for calculation of a microstrip antenna. The antenna is very simple, just consisting of infinite ground plane, substrate and rectangle radiator fed by coaxial!
What I need to deal with is to extract the values of current at a specified point on the radiator from the *.cur file in post-process of IE3D simulation.
I have checked the *.cur file, found the cur file including information of geometry, version, dielectric, and so on of other parameters. But I cannot determine the corresponing relationships between the values of current(including both real parts and imaginary parts) and geometry.

Who can tell me what I should do?
The below attached file is a cur type of one simulated by IE3D.

Hi, Football!

It's not so straightforward but possible.
- open your .cur file in MGRID (or after simulation show current distribution). Note: .cur file has unknown structure
- File --> Save Current Density Data...
- it saves .ccd current file

.ccd file has pretty better structure, edit it and you will see:

No. Sel Nv V1 X Y Z ReJx ImJx ReJy ImJy ReJz ImJz V2 X Y Z ReJx ImJx ReJy ImJy ReJz ImJz V3 X Y Z ReJx ImJx ReJy ImJy ReJz ImJz V4 X Y Z ReJx ImJx ReJy ImJy ReJz ImJz

Now I recommend you to write script in matlab which extracts needed data

Hope it helps
Kind regards,


PS: I've deleted your previous very loooong post with numbers only.

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