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horn antenna hfss

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

I've tried to simulate a conical horn antenna using HFSS. I want to find out whether by inserting a dielectric at the end of the waveguide ( trying to use it as a focal lens?), will it reduce the beamwidth or focus at some point (like in optics).

However from my simulation, I've gotten undesirable results such as reduced gain, etc. I think it is because i'm generating in the far-field.

So how should I check in the near-distance, whether the energy can is actually focus at some point before diffracted again..

This book may be useful for your simulation:

Soild dielecrtic horn antennas by Salema etal

From my simulation (actually performed by MWS, @5GHz) seems that there's some E hotspot at the end of aperture.. It's correct because of your design?
Did you make any special calculation of dielectric sphere?
I'm opened to further discussion, regards



there's some E hotspot at the end of aperture
Yes, I want the E-field to focus at a certain point beyond the horn. And wish to know compared to a model without lens, comparatively in magnitudes how much more energy can be concentrated.

However I've plotted the near E-field values for horn with and without the dielectric. I've found out that although there is a Hot spot ouside the aperture as proved also with the "horn_01.gif" eirp has attached; the actual strength is smaller as compared to no visible hot spot, but the entire area is at a higher E-field strength.

Attached are my plots for the near-field Vs normalised distance.

Did you make any special calculation of dielectric sphere?
Right now, I've absolute no idea how the shape of the dielectric, which should act as a lens, can give the optimum result.

Any suggestions?


上一篇:hfss 8.5 filetype

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