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compact filter design

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

Can you tell me the meanings of compact? Please tell me in details!

hi,what is mean by compact is that the layout dimension is small and compact that i may use im mobile cell handset

There are many way to compact,such as use LTCC multylayer also multy cross couple and dual or triplet mode in the resonator.

If you had download the ebook(i had upload in topic "the order of Chebyshev I bandpass filter"
): "Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications", pls don't download this file "compact filter design.rar".
This "compact filter design.rar" is chapter 11 of Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications.


You mean this book, "compact filter design", is the parts of the other book? PBG can realize the compact filter!!!

Yes, the compact filter design is chapter 11 of Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications. Topic of chapter 11 is Compact Filters and Filter Miniaturization .
I upload page 1 of the compact filter design,
you can see, don't lost your points.

If some need this book,you can find it in the mcu server.

The title is:Microstrip Filters for RF Microwave

上一篇:HFSS export

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