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Meshing problem with HFSS v9.2

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have peculiar problem with my HFSS v9.2, while simulating my antenna structure which is 2 p@tch antenna line fed, substrate is ferrite based, frequency of operation is 10GHz, now when I'm analysing the structure its saying that simulation complete with server error, Lambda refinement meshing:process mesh3d died unexpectedly, or Adapting mesh:process mesh3d died unexpectedly, everytime I do this Analysis its giving one or the other reason which I have quoted, at first I thought that its my structures problem but I ran the same structure on some other machine its running smoothly, but with my machine its kind of stuck in meshes, then I thought the problem was with the software, so I uninstalled HFSS v9.2 and again installed it back but the problem is persistent, I really don't know whats the bug about, I'm really confused, as I'm new to this software, and its troubling me, also that I have PIV processor with 1GB RAM and Windows 2000 OS, but this thing is really troubling me and driving me crazy, anyone if you can help me out with this, I'll appreciate that, Thanks in advance.

It looks likely a memory or hard drive space shortage.

While running the simulation, observe the memory usage using the task manager of Windows. Compare the free memory, free hard drive space between the two machine.

maybe the structure is modified but u don't know


Please give more information:

1) what is the spec ( memory, OS) of the second computer
2) If you think it is an installation problem, try installing on a different path then the previous installation.
3) Do you have true curves (Ellipse , Circle , Cylinder ...) in your geometry.
There are certain cases where you need to limit/increase the surface approximation of the mesher.
4) Have you upgraded to HFSS v9.2.1 ?


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