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help, how to add a proper feed like IE3D in MoM code?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Who are familiar with the feed of IE3D? I want to develop a MOM code for antenna simulation using the same feed like IE3D in order to compare with it, How to add the proper feed, thanks.

Hi joinhappy,

I think you should have a look on the Moment method described in the book by Balanis on Antennas.You can model the feed in two ways.Either the delta gap source method or the Magnetic frill generator.See the attached pdf for more details.The books by both Balanis and Theiele have an example on MoM . You should look at them for a clearer understanding.


Thanks svarun,
By now I used the feed of delta-gap method, but I do not know the IE3D's feed method, I want compare my radiation pattern results for a multilayer microstrip line model with IE3D's, but can not. My simulation is in high frequency, I may sure my code is good and I feel the feed model and feed point are very crucial for comparing. Can you help me? thanks.


for computation of radiation pattern, the feed model is not critical. you should get decent result with any feed model. The input impedance/return loss/ resonance frequency is more sensitive to the feed model. The problem basically boils down to how you calculate the impedance matrix and the excitation vector.

The de-embedding algorithm is more important than how the excitation is applied. If I find the result to be different from those of IE3D, I would put more time checking the de-embedding, rather than worrying about the feed, although these two are related with each other.

Hi Loucy,
I am highly interested in learning about the various de-embedding algorithms and their relative merits.Can you give me some info on this or point to a reference.I am not a microwave engineer but I do more of physics related stuff.Thanks.


Hi, Dear Loucy, Thank you very much.
I have checked my filled impedance matrix using a patch antenna scattering field problem and have good results with the reference. so I thought the matrix filled is not in trouble. In practice, I just assume the feeding voltage 1 V is added at a rank normal common egdes of the microstrip line, and then calculate the currents of all elements, then calculation the rediation pattern, Is it right for radiation pattern calculation? I also feel maybe some wrong for the excitation vector added, Can you help me and give me some reference about de-embedding algorithm and its applications? I have looked it on web but few results can be used, I am not understanding how to use the method, can you help me? Thank you very much


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