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Anybody used FEKOLite software

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am using FEKOLite software for the design of different types of antennas. While writing the code there is an IP card used for segmentation parameters. While entering the different values for edge length and segment length, I got different values of gain and a different radiation pattern. First of all is it necessary to enter the values of edge length and segment length and why the value of gain and radiation pattern changes while changing the segment length and edge length. Are there any fixed value to be used. Waiting an early reply


Usually people use lambda/20 as the segment and edge length, which in general are the smaller the better. You should see the gain converges as you refine (reduce) the length.

Pay attention to the message printed by Feko, does it give any warning that the mesh size is too big or too small?


A warning appears saying Inhomogenous segmentation of triangles, what dose it mean by that.

why don't you post your .pre file.

Hi ping-pong,

usually this warning appears due to one triangle being too small relative to the biggest trianlge you have in your model (or vice versa).The *.out file, it might provide you with some clues on where to look for the error.

Hope this is useful.


the change of radition pattern and gain may differ, but the difference will not be too large! :)

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