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contour integral method question

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

Currently I am taking a closer look at the contour integral method. Overall I have a good impression on how the method basically works. I am trying to implement this method for some simple structures. When implementing the integrals I run into trouble. I know they have to be evaluated numerically. However I don't know how to do this. What is e.g. meant by integration boundary Wi? I know it's the width of a segment, but how does this fit within the numerical integration. I tried looking for some simple sample code on the web to get started, but found nothing. If you have to believe the microstrip antenna books and papers these kind of codes are used by a lot of people. Still nobody seems eager to share.
Are there by any chance more specialised forums for implementation of (semi-) analytic code?

I hope someone is able to guide me in the world of (semi-) analytic modeling.

Best regards and wishes for the new year.

I dont think I fully understood what you are asking:
If you are asking the numerical integration at subbase domain Wi, for example:

∫wi f(t)?dt
it is equal to Σ f(tj )?dt j

I believe there are lots of available subroutine in the website (either in Fortran/ C), in matlab there is intrinsic subroutine(though it runs slowly).

Best Regards,


The integral can be found in the paper attached on page 61. I really hope you can explain me how to integrate. I have more papers about this subject, however, there is little or no extra information on how to evaluate the integral.


Best regards.

Hi, I didnt carefully read full paper, just broswered through first few pages, do you mean you dont know how to integrate equation (3) in page 61? There is Hankel function inside, for both small value or big value kr, we have approximate expression of Hankel function, you can check it out.

Best Regards,

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