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Problem with power divider

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hiiiiiiiiii all,

I've designed an equal power divider on ferrite substrate of dieletric constant 14 and magnetic bias of 10A/m, but the power division is not equal, the S21 and S31 from the plots are at -3dB and -4dB, which is quite unconventional,
Although I implemented another Wilkinson equal power divider the results are the same, can anyone help me, since the power divider is a simple 2 way equal divider, I don't know what is causing this anamoly?

Thanx in advance.

can u uplaod your design ?
r the 2 line the same (mirror ) ?

Hi mirriyaz

Does the ferrite homogeneous in both directions? try to rotate your circuit.45°
or 90°.



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