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LPDA modelling with C/S/T M/W/S

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello guys,

I'd like to ask about modelling a LPDA.The one I'm interested in has all its elements on the same plane.
Now,what is the right way to feed all the elements with one discrete port?

I place a port at the first one,and then I use the "Bond Wire" method to connect the 2nd element with it (criss-crossed) ,then I do the same for the 3nd and 2nd etc.
-Let's start from the basics:is this the right way?
-since the elements are co-planar,the BondWires will intersect (since they are criss-crossed).Is there anything I can do to avoid this except by giving curvature to the wires (i.e. not making them straight lines)?
-If I want to check whether the elements "see" the correct excitation,do I have to define a straight line along the gap end then => Calculate Voltage along curve ?

Thank you

I don't think its really necessary to get into all this mess you're talking about...

The multi element feed can be realised with several discrete ports using simultaneous excitation...

Search in Help for "simultaneous excitation"...


Read this book https://www.edaboard.com/viewtopic.p...highlight=lpda

For softaware can use EZNEC+, MMANA or SuperNEC (working with Matlab)

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