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HFSS joining objects

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I've been trying to join two (or even more) different objects (they were boxes) using the boolean function "unite"; what often happened is that after this action the final object is not the union of all the previous ones: I mean that one (or more) disapperead.
As an example I was joining two boxes having a common face and the result was just one of the first two, not both joined.

Does anybody know why it happens?
(The strange thing is that it happens sometimes and it doesn't happen other times, with other objects)

I hope to have been clear enough.

Thanks in advance,


I have never encountered this problem.

1) Are this native objects (Boxes?) or imported objects ?
2) After the unite operation, are they under the non-model objects with a red X sign ? If so, you should look at the message window for the explanation.
3) Try using HFSS->Measure->Position to understand better the relationship between these two object.


The objects were native ones and the one obtained by the union was not under the non-model objects.

I will try using HFSS->Measure->Position,

thanks a lot,


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