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What happens to inductance when conductor is oxided?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
if conductor is oxided , what effect can happen on inductance ?
Does it affect inductance or Q-factor ?


Maybe μ (relative magnetic permeability) can be changed by oxide (this a new material in original material), I think this can form an equivalent system that can be a different L value .... but is just my opnion I'm not sure about it. But the effect of this should be small... it will depends of oxide magnetic properties ....



..It's needed simulate or measure to have answer...
I think, iductance will be the same but Q will be less.


i think that whats really will be affected is the ratings of the inductor will be affected, such as the max current and insulation breakdown voltage .

pn the other hand the real answer could be verified by some kind of well designed experiment , i will post you if ican come up with something ....it is interesting, post me if you find a conviniant answer .

best regards


Inductance is property of current distribution,in this case this distribuition
changes due to higher capapacitance between the windings in the inductor.
(at high frequencies current distribution proportional to charge distribution)
It will change Q value ,of course self capacitance of inductance will be higher.
Inductance change for RFICs inductors will be insignificant.

In case the inductor have very small self capacitance - there will be almost no


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