IE3D non-50 Ohm port definition
Hi, Wingji: If you use the 50-ohm normalized ports (all port schemes except the EXTENSION FOR WAVES scheme), the IE3D solved s-parameters are always normalized to 50-ohms in the output files. MODUA will be invoked automatically to display the s-parameters output files for you. If you want to display other than 50-ohm s-parameters, while MODUA is displaying the s-parameters, please choose CONTROL->TERMINATING IMPEDANCE to change the Zc of each port. The displayed s-parameters will be normalized to the Zc's you define. It is convenient for simulations.
You can also optimize the s-parameters, radiation patterns etc. with the ports normalized to non-50 ohms. To change Zc's, you can select Excitaiton and Termiantion in the OPTIMIZAITON SETUP dialog. Some users may not notice they can select pattern parameters such as gain, directivity, efficiency as optimization goals. It is due to the fact that those parameters will not appear in the list unless you select PATTERN CALCULATION before you select ADD OPTIMIZATION OBJECTIVES.
Please give it a try. Regards.
Hi Jian
can you generate avi or flash file that optimize the s-parameters, radiation patterns gain etc. with the ports normalized to 50 or non-50 ohms.
HI, Plasma:
What is avi or flash file? Please explain. If we have not, we can implement it for you. Thanks!
Hi, Jian. Thanks for your reply.
By the way, just a little comment for that.
It seems the "Modua"->"Terminating Impedance" can only be changed in "S parameters" mode, in order to see the VSWR change, I need to change Impedance in "S parameter" such as "dB and Phase of S", and then switch to VSWR mode.
And also, when display more than one SP file with "Parameter File Queue", it seems the additional traces cannot be normalized to the new port characteristic impedance at the same time.
However, it is not a big deal for these little problem. Thanks for your help again.
Hi Jian
This files like video files that show us how you do it.
Hi, Wingji:
The feature "Terminating Impedance" has been an old one and the "VSWR" is newer. We might forget to enable the "Terminating Impedance" in the "VSWR" mode. We will enable it. It should be in the next release. Thank you for the feed-back.
To change the Zc's of the file in the display queue, you should change in inside the display queue dialog. It might be a good idea to also implement a button in "Terminating Impedance" for you to change the Zc of the queue files. It may help users on it. Thanks!
Best regards,
Added after 1 minutes:
Hi, Plasma: We will make more avi files to show users how to use IE3D more efficiently. IE3D is full of features. I understand that many of those features are not used by many users because they don't know it. Yes, the best way to help users to create some avi files for it. Thank you very much.