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the 3D model and HFSS questions

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all:

I am a newbie in HFSS and now working for a connector company.
I got many problems that beating me in my simulation.
That would be much appreciated that if someone reply my questions about
the simulation of SATA and coaxial cable.Thanks.

1.About plating:terminals in connector need plating in Tin or Au. Does it needs to addin Model in HFSS??
(It's thickness is about 15u"mm ~ 100u"mm)
Due on skin effect,the electron just ran on surface of conductor.
How do I determine the materials, the plating material or the basis material???

2.About contact area:how to describe the truly mating mode, I let them(male and female terminal) got overlap slightly in 3D model,
then I use "unite" to combine them. Does this disobey anything???

3.About soldering:My Boss wants me simulate the end of connector connects (SMT)to PCB board. Does this means that I need drawing
soldering in 3d model???

1.About Mylar:the mylar consist of aluminum & PVC, does it need to addin cable model??

2.the conductor of cable is consisted by 7 core, can I approximate them to a cylinder?? How to approximate them into a diameter??

3.The weaving net(made by metal) wraped the conductor of cable, Can I approximate them to a metal shell??How about the thickness??

I know the model in HFSS must as simple as possible.
Does anyone tell me about accuracy rate about your cases???(between simulation and turly measure)(%)

Many questions may like fool,sorry.

you have got a pile of questions.

First of all, have you looked at the recently posted HFSS 9.2 documentation on elektroda Website?
There is an example of coax connector. Even if it is not directly applicable, do the tutorial to get an insight. Your must start with a realy simplistic model and add details later.

There are no real cylinders in HFSS, all curved lines are approximated with straight lines, typical setting of 12 segments per circle are usualy quite fine.

Not sure about mating surfaces, I woud not use unite feature. If you just align them
is should be fine.


Thanks!! But I can't find it.Would you please leading me to that page???

上一篇:hfss mesh generation

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