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Problems with using VBA scripting language in CST MWS

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

In order to automise the design of an antenna I have started to use the VBA scripting language. When using the "With Optimizer" block I run into trouble with the instruction: .SelectParameter "x", False". CST MWS indicates that the selected parameter does not exist whereas it has clearly been defined previously and is even present in the parameter list under menu item Edit and the .par file in the project directory. I created a project using the interface and saved the entire history list as a macro as a starting point. Then, I closed CST, restarted it without opening a file/template andI ran the script . Is there is a problem with the instruction or translation from history list to macro or ...? Does anyone know how to overcome this problem?

Best regards

Can you post the code so we can take a look ?



The code as requested.

Best regards.

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