hfss black box
For black box approach, I don't think it can be done. However, there is an option with HFSS + Ansoft Designer combination.
You need to set up ports at the point where you have lumped component in HFSS. Like capacitor case, at the pad to GND. Let say you name this port as P1 and P2. Then you need to connect the model in Ansoft Designer. Then you place the capacitor from the library from P1 to P2 in Ansoft designer (there is student version). Then run your whole simulation in Ansoft Designer based on your model in HFSS.
I think there is a way...
you draw a rectangule between the two edges that will
be connected, rigth click and assign a Lumped RLC.
Thanks for the advice. I am trying the RLC boundary...it appears to work. Is this just an ideal component?
Yes, it is an ideal component. But, you can combine it
with others parallel or serial componentes to simulate
a non-ideal. As for calculations due to variability of
the value, I think HFSS can do some calculations but I
do not know how to do that yet.