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ie3d probe-feed to patch

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everyone. I am wondering how to set the location of the Probe-feed to Patch Antenna changable in IE3D? I try to select all the layer (including 3D) and window the probe and set it "variableo for selected object", but I am not sure is it correct.

BTW, when you set the "probe feed to Patch", what is the meansing of Positive/Negative Level? I am wondering how IE3D model the probe-feed. Is it try to model it like uniform distribution current or some thing else? And is it the radius equal to the inner conductor radius of the coaxial cable? If so, how about the outer conductor radius?

Thanks in advance

HI, Winglj: (1) I seems to me your procedure is correct. You are supposed to be able to define a probe location as an optimization variable. Yes. You should select all vertices on all layers for it. This procedure is shown in the Zeland Virtual Training in www.zeland.com. (2). Please define the Negative Level at the ground (z=0) and Positive level to be about 1% of the substrate thickness. It should yield very accurate results. Some benchmark examples are shown in the c:\program files\zeland\ie3d\examples directory. You can see perfect agreement with measurement. Regards.

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