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measuring parasitic capacitance hfss

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

how is it possible to measure input impedance of an antenna or a circuit in hfss with out defining any port excitetion ???
(for example with voltage drop excitation)


Dear aboozar.hamidipoor
in my opinion, it is not possible . just have a thought , if you want to measure a true antenna , a voltage source is always needed . in a software ,like hfss , the principle is the same .

I didn't understand well, could you please explaine more.

I didnt understand what is ur question.
HFSS simulation convegence is based on port scattering parameters, without port, how can you define S-parameter?
Is Lumped port voltage excitation voltage drop excitation u mentioned?


I didnt understand what is ur question.
HFSS simulation convegence is based on port scattering parameters, without port, how can you define S-parameter?
Is Lumped port voltage excitation voltage drop excitation u mentioned?


as you know, port definition is not simple for all antenna or microwave circuits. for example port definition for a spiral antenna on a substrate is very difficult or at least I think it is very difficult, so I want to know what should I do in these conditions or exactly is it possible for me to define a voltage drop and current excitation simultaneously and measure input impedance by means of them with out any port definition or not.
in a simple expression you could consider a simple wire dipole antenna. is it possible to define a voltage drop and current sources at the terminals of dipole and then measure input impedance of the dipole or not.

Yes, It is possible, of course. You can use lumped port, either voltage or current exitation, and observe another, to get impedance.


The lumped port is good if you don't want to spend time creating your feed network (like creating and defining a coax feed and probe to feed a patch antenna), so you just put a lumped port between the feedpoint location on the antenna and the ground plane.

This is good for a first-pass design of the antenna, but it ignores the real geometry of the feed, which might have some parasitic capacitance or inductance that you need to consider for a very accurate design.

When you use the coax feed for your model, you have a TEM transmission line with a clearly defined Zo, which is a lot easier to match up to measurements later. And it's a more accurate representation of your model with the real feed.

As we simulate models at higher and higher frequencies, we risk adding large discontinuities to the problem with lumped ports that don't really exist in practice.


thank you for your positive reply,
but I could not understand clearly. could you please explain clearly, how should I define lumped port or voltage drop or current excitation to measure input impedance for example in this structure ???

thank you for your positive reply,
but I could not understand clearly. could you please explain clearly, how should I define lumped port or voltage drop or current excitation to measure input impedance for example in this structure ???

上一篇:some questions about cavity filter!

parasitic measuring hfss 相关文章:


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