Anyone use this software?
can u explain me what is WASP-NET, it sounds good and interesting
Hi micky
Pls tell me about this software so that I can try myself else I will collect details to help you.byeeee
I know it has long and detailed tutorials and documentations. So if you have the time it should work well for you.
I've also heard it should produce accurate results for high-Q structures, filters etc.
is this a em solver or other thing, if is em solver like sonnet or hffs, how one can get it for trial
find this presentation about WASP-NET
Thanks KMPA. For others who do not know, it is an EM solver and it does not have a demo version. Quite expensive too.
i am very new to this I was not knowing about wasp-net, I have only worked with sonnet9.53, ADS2004, and micrwave office, all these softwares have demo or trial version and they are also expensive.
WASP-NET is mostly dedicated to waveguided structures !
If this small message can help you a bit ...