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how to define ports in CST/HFSS for this loop antenna?

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi, all
i have truble in define ports for simulation this loop antenna!
the antenna is placed on a FR4 board (it is not a microstrip! but a conductor wire placed on a dielectric board), point 1,2 are the feeding point conneted to a difference signal source ,so how to define the ports?

no one knows?

In CST your best bet ist to use the discrete port. Select the two points and then insert a discreter port with an impedance of 50ohm, or whatever you need, and you're away.

HFSS has something similar but i can't recall what they're called (lumped ports??)

I have tried useing a lumped port but i did't got the right answer,.
I thinks you didnot get the point of my question ,so i post the whole circuits here , please pay attension to the connection between the antenna and the chip!
please see my attachment below ,
thanks you guys anyway.
i am using CST with a multipin waveport to define the feeding line , i am trying to make the port to be a differential port. but i still can't get a promising solution.
anybody can help me ?

please pay attension to meshing size in discret port,
and discret port size must is small, within a mesh.

but i simulated it about your file antenna , NRF401 chip. use IE3D ,result is right.

Thanks JimLiu, but could you tell me the detail ?

Added after 32 minutes:

should i define two discret port at point 1 and point 2 ? or just define 1 discret port connect 1,2?

you can define one port with discret port, or define teo ports ,but per port conect ground.

i mean in my question can i define just one port?

hi, JimLiu
I still get confused with the definition of lumped port
could you help me modify my CST modle ?
i attatched the file below!
thank you so much !

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