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How haar wavelet can be used in FDTD method for analysis

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
We are working on a project titled as "SIGNAL INTEGRITY ANALYSIS IN INTERCONNECTS USING WAVELET BASED FDTD" and we are quite confused how to apply haar wavelet in our analysis (i.e.) in FDTD method.We are quite familiar with FDTD and we had developed codes for coplanar waveguides using MATLAB.So, We request someone to help us with your useful ideas.

You can not directly use wavelet in FDTD method. you may follow the following map. At first, use integral form of maxwell equations, use wavelet as a expansion function for the field and then try to find expansion coefficients by proper method, like the least square method, Galerkin Method and the point matching method.

hi fasaghandis,
I hope you mean to say the procedure of MRTD.I will be thankful to you if you can make me clear how analysis can be carried out using MRTD.
Thanking you,
Aravinth Kumar J

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