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help reg.attenuation

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi all,

do anyone has the formula to calculate the Alpha(attenuation) and lamda of a tx.line structure say stripline or microstrip or CPW from the near field distributions?.....
please help me in getting the links regarding the same......

with regards,

Hi, Venkat:

From the near field, you are supposed to be able to find the current distribution along a TLN or you can direclty use the single moded horizontal near field (E or H). Assume you get Ja, Jb, and Jc at 3 uniformly spaced coordinates in the longitudinal direction with the distance between Ja and Jb to be h. For a TLN

J = Inc * exp( - gamma * z ) - Ref * exp( gamma * z )

You can represent (Ja+Jc)/Jb as a function of (gamma*h). Since Ja, Jb, Jc and h are known, you can solve gamma=alpha+j*beta from it. I am not sure whether such a formula is documented anywhere. I found the relationship when I was a student and I documented it in my Ph.D. thesis (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder 1990). Regards.

Hi jian,

Does the IE3D software uses the same formula to calculate the attenuation and wavelength(lamda)........If not please give me the specifeid formula for it which is used by IE3D?..

Also reg.conductor strips....is there any other conductor(other than copper,aluminium)used in nanomter designs........

anticipating your reply...
with regards,

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