import structure for IE3D in text Format
why don't you see the example in IE3D manual, it is very helpful. you may also use matlab to generate these 3D text files.
i got a copy of the manual, but the guidance for the generation of text file is very limited, do somebody have some detailed description about using malab to produce text file in IE3D, thank you soso much.
Hi, cappuccino80:
Pleae use a text editor to open the file: c:\program files\zeland\ie3d\samples\wires.3dt. It is a self-explanatory ASCII file and it documents every single command for it. It is very easy to understand. Regards.
Hi, cappuccino80:
Yes. It is simple. It was implemented almost 10 years ago. We did not implement the substrates. Maybe we should finish that portion because it is a simple way to create IE3D geometry. Best regards.