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How to set boundary and excitation in HFSS 9 for microstrip antenna?

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Can anybody send me a HFSS9 example for simple microstrip simulation? I want to know how to set boundary and excitation, and how the width of microstip effects the impedance match. i use RT5880 pcb, the box size is 4mm wide, 2.254mm high and 40mm long, and the microstrip is 40mm long.

There is several examples in interent files. Gettingstarted file is also . please search the web, you can find a good help about Microstrip Patch antenna.

please send an email to me to help you.


You are so kind, thank you!

U can Search for one in edonkey or imesh , you 'll find a lot

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