3D model to 2.5D
How make analogous antenna in 2.5D simulator (Ans Designerd, Sonnet, AWR, Zeland etc)? I can not understand how to simulate a lumped element connected between port and strip.
Help please!.. I'll appreciate for any example file. Thank you!
Hi, pir0texnik:
On IE3D, you can define ports on the structures to replace lumped elements there. Then, you can add one or multiple black boxes representing structures (FILE->ADD GEOMETRY MODULES) into MODUA (bundled circuit simulator for IE3D). You can add one or multiple s-parameter files (FILE->ADD PARAMETER MODULES) into the schematic. You can also connect lunmped elements such as R, L and C to the geometry and parameter modules together and do a mixed EM and circuit simulation on your design consisting structures and lumped elements. You are able to find the radiation patterns of the complete design. Regards.
Thank you!! I'll try what you said.
How much it will correspond with this 3D model https://www.edaboard.com/ftopic156881.html ?..
Hi, pirOtexnik:
Please send me the illustration of your structure. I could not open your file and see what your structure looks like. Regards.
Ок, here is the image.
Blue is metal, yellow rectangle is lumped element, red is lumped port.