vgs-vth is too small
饱和区 vds>vdsat
问题就两个 1.过驱动电压留的太少
2.W/L设置和Ibias不合理,只要较少的过驱动电压 电路也能工作起来,电路工作在弱开启区
经常在坛子里看到您老人家,看到你的签名,想问你个问题,在cmos image sensor中,用于校准的PGA ,为什么要用switch capacitor 用于调节增益呢? 为什么不用电阻? 我想是不是因为pixel信号是非连续的,还有运放的负载希望看到的是容性负载而不会影响增益呢?
还有一点就是,如果我增益变大了,那么整个闭环带宽减小,这样速度也就小了,请问如果我50MHz的系统工作时钟,那么20ns的时间就要采样并且稳定在一定精度之内吗?还是有其他考虑? 速度是如何做上去的呢?
First of all,I highly suggest you to make the current flowing through the input stage and the cascode stage be equal.Secondly, I don't know your requirements for DC gain? your load? your bandwidth? etc.
Thirdly, do not use this way to bias the cascode. It's ok, but better not.
Last, it's better that you can give us the sizes of your transistors if those are not confidential.Well, some information is confidential to me.
ok, the basic idea is that PGA can be used not only for calibration the amplitude of your signal, it can be used for other purpose.
for calibration, the question is that why do you think using resistors is better ? matching, noise, linearity, etc. Think about that !
In addition, we normally use OTA, not op amp, how large the resistor should be ?
Gain error, linearity, noise, all of them should be considered !
How to increase the speed ? Simplest way is to increase power consumption. Circuit techniques to increase speed are confidential.50MHz is fast for image sensor, but it also depends on your resolution and pixel size.for example, 4k*4k and pixel size is larger than 6um, it's fast.
like 1.5um pixel size, it's ok.Thanks for your reply. I will think more for circuit design.
Actually,I don't know why shouldn't use the bias of the cascode,because of the resistance?if i put the mosfet instead of resistance?andcan you give me some better solution of bias circuit. ijust imitate the book of Alen.As I said, it's ok, but better not use it. Apparently, it's because of the resistor. matching, area, swing....many problems. if you do layout, you will find out that adding a resistor there looks very strange.I didn't insist you to give up using this bias circuit, actually you can. I just don't like it according to my experiences.
Sorry, I can give you some advice, point out the problems you may have, but I won't give you solutions directly.OK ,I just try change the bias circuit
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