noise source is one aspect and its transfer function is another.
Taking simple common source and common gate, the gm of common gate if fixed for impedance matching, and thus best achievable NF=3dB. While for common source, you have freedom to choose larger gm and thus better than 3dB NF could be obtained. Again, this only applies to basic structure. If you combine common source and common gate (like noise canceling), you can also obtain better than 3dB NF.
I agree, and also higher gain
I thought you are designing on-chip LNA
交流阻抗50 Ohm?
You need to make the difference between microwave IC and RFIC (nowadays, more and more microwave ICs become RFICs). If you design individual blocks (LNA,mixer,etc.), and then connect them on PCB, for sure you need impedance matching. However, if you are designing RFIC (LNA,mixer,etc. are put together on the single chip, as most SOC does), impedance matching is not necessary, and actually it just makes design more difficult.
Have you ever simulated a common gate LNA with fixed gm?The best NF is 3dB?Books say so ,but simulation results prove itwrong.Actully, simulation results show better NF and NFmin can be less than 1dB.
tell me how you can get better than 3dB NF for simple CG LNA with input impedance matched. Unless for old large channel length, gamma is smaller than 1. BTW, I have never designed 'simple' CG LNA, since its theoretical limit is already bad.
I doubt the minimum NF of CG.So I design a simple CG LNA using 0.18um BiCMOS.I found NF is less than 3dB and NFmin was better than 1dB.
check impedance matching,what's your gm, what's connected to gate