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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


因该是如何判断终端已经离网了,我使用了NLME_LeaveReq( &leaveReq );函数。

我使用NLME_LeaveReq( &leaveReq );函数函数退网以后就不能加入网络了。硬件复位一下就可以了加入了。是怎么回事

Use the NLME_LeaveReq() function.

For making a remote node to leave the network, the extAddr pointer of the NLME_LeaveReq_t parameter shall be assigned to the remote node 64 bit IEEE address. The address of a remote node can be retrieved during association process by processing the Device_annce message as shown in "#How to get the address of new devices joining the network".

For making the local node to leave the network, the extAddr pointer of the NLME_LeaveReq_t parameter shall be assigned as NULL.

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