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CC3200怎么连接AWS IoT平台

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

CC3200怎么连接到AWS IoT的物联网平台,有没有相应的例程,能不能通cc3200-sdk的例程mqtt_client这个例程来修改,有没有相关的资料说明?有做过的希望可以分享一下经验,谢谢大家!



The TIDC-01002 provides a reference for creating an industrial Internet of things (IoT) gateway that is capable of connecting a network of wireless sensors to an enterprise cloud provider. In this TI Design, a long-range, low-power wireless network, made up of Sub-1 GHz CC1310 or CC1350 devices (both are supported) that run the TI 15.4-Stack-based application, can be connected to multiple cloud service providers, such as IBM Watson IoT ®, AWS IoT, and so on. An online dashboard is provided that allows the user to visualize the real-time sensor data as well as send actuation commands from anywhere in the world using an Internet-connected device with a web browser. This reference design provides a list of suggested hardware, schematics, and foundational software to quickly begin IoT product development. IBM Watson IoT™ was chosen as the cloud service provider for the demonstration. The design also provides an ability to visualize the data inside a local network without connecting to a cloud service. The software design is architected to be flexible to enable other cloud service providers of choice. This TI Design enables IoT in numerous applications, such as building security gateways, door and window sensor networks, asset management and tracking, and other IoT-enabled home and industrial automation applications. The connection between the wireless sensor network and the cloud is made possible by the TI SimpleLink CC3220 device on the CC3220SF LaunchPad™ development platform. On one side, the CC3220 is connected to a Sub-1 GHz device acting as the central node in the wireless network, and on the other side, the device is connected to the cloud service IBM Watson IoT using Wi-Fi®. These two connections allow the CC3220 device to act as a gateway to get the sensor messages from the Sub-1 GHz wireless network to the cloud and to get the actuation requests from the cloud dashboard sent back to the Sub-1 GHz wireless network. Due to the long-range and low-power capabilities of the Sub-1 GHz sensors, this TI Design may be useful for any application that would benefit from distributed sensing. This reference design provides an example that gives the ability to visualize or actuate tens or hundreds of sensors while only needing one gateway device, the SimpleLink CC3220, to be connected to the Internet.


CC3200的 AWS IoT应用请看这边:  https://git.ti.com/iotdev/awsiot




版本都是根据文档上的要求做的,AWS IOT有没有做成类似于SDK的工程,直接可以在CCS打开的有吗?而且这方面的资料好像也很少,没有一些比较齐全的操作文档。

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