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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


               CC3200MOD +cc3200+CC3200AUDOBOOST






以官方例程“Camera Application”来讲,实测在6帧每秒,视频传输的延时可参考这边解答: https://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless_connectivity/simplelink_wifi_cc31xx_cc32xx/f/968/t/377327



可以参考TI官方的wifi_audio_app 例子对音频数据的传输

//By default example come up in loopback mode means it will read data on MIC and playback to speaker.
//Verify whether device coming up with loopback mode or not for further debugging. For loopback test use only one LP at a time.
//发射板的 SW3 键
//接收板的 SW2 键

//Now follow below sequence once both the LP acquired the IP:
//1. Ensure Line-IN and Line-OUT points are connected appropriately on both the launch pads.
//2. Upon successful connection to AP, press SW2 on LP1. Red LED will switch off on LP1.
//3. Once LP1 connects to LP2, the red LED on LP2 will switch off.
//4. Now press SW2 on LP2 and SW3 on LP1. Red LED will switch on LP2.

//The demo in the SDK does support simultaneous bi-directional (full duplex) audio. This is achieved by exercising the
//two parallel paths (as described below) for the audio-in and audio-out paths.
//Audio-in jack -> 3200 McASP Data pin 1 -> I2S serializer 1 -> Audio Tx Task -> Audio transmit socket --- Over the air
// |
// V
//Audio-out jack <- 3200 McASP Data pin 0 <- I2S serializer 0 <- Audio Rx Task <- Audio receive socket --- Over the air
//Each of the paths are simplex individually but together it achieves the full duplex audio transfer.
//------------------------run in 44.1kHz or 48kHz instead of 16kHz (default)--------------------
//You need to make following changes for 44.1/48 KHz 16-bit stereo PCM:
//1. Add below code lines in AudioCodecConfig() after “if(bitClk == 512000)”
//else if(bitClk == 1536000 || bitClk == 1411200)
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_MUX_REG, 0x03); // PLL Clock is CODEC_CLKIN
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_PLL_P_R_REG, 0x91); // PLL is powered up, P=1, R=1
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_PLL_J_REG, 0x38); // J=56
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_PLL_D_MSB_REG, 0x00); // D = 0
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_NDAC_REG, 0x82); // NDAC divider powered up, NDAC = 2
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_MDAC_REG, 0x87); // MDAC divider powered up, MDAC = 7
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_DAC_OSR_MSB_REG, 0x00); // DOSR = 0x0080 =
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_DAC_OSR_LSB_REG, 0x80); // DOSR = 0x0080 = 128
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_NADC_REG, 0x82); // NADC divider powered up, NADC = 2
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_CLK_MADC_REG, 0x87); // MADC divider powered up, MADC = 7
//AudioCodecRegWrite(TI3254_ADC_OSR_REG, 0x80); // AOSR = 128 ((Use with PRB_R1 to PRB_R6, ADC Filter Type A)
//2. In AudioCaptureRendererConfigure() replace 512000 with 1411200 for 44.1KHZ and 1536000 for 48KHz
//3. In main.c pass 44100 or 48000 in place of 16000 as argument for AudioCodecConfig()
//4. In main.c pass 44100 or 48000 in place of 16000 as argument for AudioCaptureRendererConfigure()

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