Casex,z difference,which is preferable,why?
Special version of the case statement which uses a Z logic value to represent don't-care bits. CASEX :
Special version of the case statement which uses Z or X logic values to represent don't-care bits.
CASEZ should be used for case statements with wildcard don抰 cares, otherwise use of CASE is required; CASEX should never be used.
This is because:
Don抰 cares are not allowed in the "case" statement. Therefore casex or casez are required. Casex will automatically match any x or z with anything in the case statement. Casez will only match z抯 -- x抯 require an absolute match.
Special version of the case statement which uses a Z logic value to represent don't-care bits. CASEX :
Special version of the case statement which uses Z or X logic values to represent don't-care bits.
CASEZ should be used for case statements with wildcard don抰 cares, otherwise use of CASE is required; CASEX should never be used.
This is because:
Don抰 cares are not allowed in the "case" statement. Therefore casex or casez are required. Casex will automatically match any x or z with anything in the case statement. Casez will only match z抯 -- x抯 require an absolute match.
good information !
youxie yong ,neng geng xiang xi hui geng hao ,xiexie sir