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CC1310 Flash

时间:12-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

你好,有没有CC1310  flash操作的例程,flash操作初始化,读写删除,特别是初始化,库函数例 的相关设置函数有好多,不大好弄。求指导,谢谢


更底层的flash API可以查看C:\TI\simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_1_50_00_08\source\ti\devices\cc13x0\driverlib下的flash.c文件。

nvs的例子在rfWsnConcentrator_CC1310DK_7XD_TI_CC1310F128中运行不下去,出现了错误:unresolved symbol NVS_config, first referenced in C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_21_00_06/products/tidrivers_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_21_00_04/packages/ti/drivers/lib/drivers_cc13xxware.aem3<NVS.oem3>

flash.c文件 中的设置函数繁杂,要是有一个初始化的例子就好参考了。


Note that it is quite common to hit this error if you try to create your own project based on a Stellarisware or ControlSuite example but forget to add the required libraries to the project using the --library option in the linker's File Search Path options. These software examples typically require one or more driver libraries or other libraries to resolve references. Examples of libraries are driverlib, grlib, usblib from Stellarisware/Tivaware, and driverlib, IQMath library etc from ControlSuite. 

The same concept applies even when you are working with any other libraries, including the C runtime library included with the TI compiler tools. 

You can add the required libraries to your project in one of two ways:
  • directly specify the full path and library name in the "--library" option under Project Properties->Build->Linker->File Search Path, or
  • specify the path in the "--search_path" option and the library name in the "--library" option.

Another reason you could see this error is if you are using C header from C++ code. If you are including a C header file that isn't provided by the system, and if you are able to change the C header, you should strongly consider adding the extern "C" {...} logic inside the header to make it easier for C++ users to #include it into their C++ code. Since a C compiler won't understand the extern "C" construct, you must wrap the extern "C" { and } lines in an #ifdef so they won't be seen by normal C compilers.


解决不了问题,还是那样 ,很郁闷


void FlashPowerModeSet ( uint32_t  ui32PowerMode,
uint32_t  ui32BankGracePeriode,
uint32_t  ui32PumpGracePeriode 

Set power mode.

This function will set the specified power mode.

Any access to the bank causes a reload of the specified bank grace periode input value into the bank down counter. After the last access to the flash bank, the down counter delays from 0 to 255 prescaled HCLK clock cycles before putting the bank into one of the fallback power modes as determined by ui32PowerMode. This value must be greater than 1 when the fallback mode is not FLASH_PWR_ACTIVE_MODE.

Note: The prescaled clock used for the down counter is a clock divided by 16 from input HCLK. The ui32BankGracePeriode parameter is ignored if ui32PowerMode is equal to FLASH_PWR_ACTIVE_MODE. Any access to flash memory causes the pump grace periode down counter to reload with value of ui32PumpGracePeriode. After the bank has gone to sleep, the down counter delays this number of prescaled HCLK clock cycles before entering one of the charge pump fallback power modes as determined by ui32PowerMode. The prescaled clock used for the pump grace periode down counter is a clock divided by 16 from input HCLK. This parameter is ignored if ui32PowerMode is equal to FLASH_PWR_ACTIVE_MODE.

Changing the power mode of the flash module must be a part within a device power mode transition requiring configuration of multiple modules. Refer to documents describing the device power modes.

ui32PowerMode is the wanted power mode. The defined flash power modes are:
ui32BankGracePeriode is the starting count value for the bank grace periode down counter.
ui32PumpGracePeriode is the starting count value for the pump grace periode down counter





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